Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

Terms and Conditions

Below is a summary of our terms and conditions. Full terms and conditions are in our Catering Contract Agreement, which all clients are required to agree to. In the event of our Catering Contract Agreement not being signed, all of the terms and conditions will be deemed to have been accepted by paying a deposit to secure our services.

Terms and Conditions

In order to secure a booking a non refundable deposit of 25% of the quoted price is required.

The final balance is due to be paid without deduction for any reason no later than 28 days before the event.

In the event of a cancellation, 50% of the price is payable if less than 6 months and full price is payable if less than 28 Days of the date of the Event.

Postponements/ rescheduling may be accepted in exceptional circumstances, but we reserve the right to treat any postponement/ rescheduling as a cancellation. Any rescheduled date for the Event will be treated as a new booking. All of our booking terms and conditions with regard to quotations, deposits and payments apply.

No reduction in Main adult meal quantities (and subsequent reduction in Price) will be accepted from the original quotation, however increases in quantity may be accepted by negotiation.

Our entire liability in respect of any Event of Default shall be limited to damages of an amount equal to the total price paid by you for the catering services at the Event.